Work regarding technology selection for the new treatment plant is nearing completion. At this point indications are a modified slow sand filtering technology will form the main treatment process.  A draft design brief has been issued and reviewed, with design moving through the 50 percent stage.  A final Design Brief will be issued in the near future and will require review by various agencies including the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Health Canada, INAC, MNR, DFO, and Transport Canada.  All work during the design is aimed at ensuring the best possible drinking water is produced by the new treatment plant, with reliable flows for the long term benefit of community members.

A new issue presented itself in late June of this year.  Some form of algae (or other plant growth) was found to be rapidly growing on the Water Plant Intake, to the extent it was causing flow restrictions.  The Project Team has added this new item into the design considerations and will be  working to eradicate this issue for the long term reliable use of the water plant.

Overall, detailed design should be completed in the next few months, with the project being tendered for construction through the winter.  This will allow construction to commence at the earliest possible time in the Spring of 2017, as soon as weather, transportation, and groundwater conditions are appropriate.  The current schedule will have the new facility completed and producing potable water sometime during the Fall of 2017.

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